Supervising Renovation Works

I mentioned a couple of times about keeping a close tab on your renovation works. You are responsible for the renovation work in your flat. As such you are to ensure that the work carried out by your registered renovation contractor is according to HDB's requirements.

Here is a good write up on how you can supervise the renovation works.

Extracted from the HDB website:

After getting the permit from HDB, your registered renovation contractor must display the Notice of Renovation Works outside your flat until all your renovation work is completed. Your registered renovation contractor is also required to keep the immediate neighbours informed of the renovation works by serving them a notice. Such notice must be served at least 3 days in advance before the commencing of any renovation.

Timings for Carrying Out Renovation
  • General renovation works can be carried out only between 8.00 am and 6.00 pm daily.
  • Noisy renovation work such as demolition of walls, removing wall/ floor finishes, cutting of tiles and drilling works, etc. are restricted from 9.00am to 5.00pm daily during weekdays.
  • Noisy renovation works is not allowed to be carried out on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays
  • If you are carrying out noisy Do-It-Yourself (DIY) household installations, please avoid doing these works during early hours of the morning or at night so as not to cause disturbance to your neighbours.

Use of Tools
Your renovation contractor is allowed to use not more than two HDB approved hand-held power tools or their equivalent at any one time to demolish walls and/or removal of wall/ floor finishes. Such works must be completed within three consecutive days. The list of approved tools is available at HDB Branch Offices.

Completion of Renovation Work
All the renovation works must be completed within one month for existing blocks and four months for new blocks from the date of the renovation permit. Upon the completion of renovation works, please remember to inform HDB Branch Office concerned immediately.